Friday, June 17, 2011

anja konstantinova

via gypsy rose

I have money in my account... RARE occassion.. So I think I'll finally get my hair tinted like above!

I'll post photos If I have the balls to go through with it.. Xx


  1. I LOVE this! The hair is soo cool

  2. love it! def do it!


  3. i love the styling of this shoot.
    it's so hard to pick a fave, but i love the cuts and all of the hemlines.
    anja's such a babe.
    and i definately think you should give it a whirl!
    ahah and in regards to your comment - thank you! i have a fun time switching up the images on the side of my blog every now and then, so i'm glad that you notice and love it too! x.
